Okay, I've had this offer posted on my website for a while, but only a few people have thus far taken advantage of it....
Get a free electronic copy of John Samuels' book, "Lessons Learned the Hard Way" when you register your email address at my website!
(Click here to see the deal).
Samuels is a friend of mine, and he is hoping to improve recognition and reading of his book, a series of stories about some crazy but real situations he encountered during his business career. He graciously agreed to let me distribute a free copy to anyone that registers on my website (normally, it sells for $9.99. The paperback version goes for $24.99).
On the form (which you can see if you click here) I specifically ask you if I can email you a weekly digest of my blog posts -- so you don't miss any, of course. If you opt out, you won't get anything from me other than the book.
That's it! For that tiny bit of information, you'll get a great book that will certainly entertain and may even offer some advice that will change the course of your career.
John gets another person reading a book he labored over for years.
Here's John thinking about all the fun he had gaining the experiences needed to write this book.
And I (hopefully) get a chance to send you my blog posts.
Everybody wins!