Pre-Release Sales!

I finally got around to setting up Empowered on Amazon for Pre-Release sales.  That means that although the book won't be released until October 12th (picked that date as it is my birthday), you should be able to order it here in the next day or so  Empowered.

Here is the description:

"Colin Jensen has just hit the big time.  After a meteoric rise through the ranks at Danaher Corporation, he is just about to begin his first general management assignment as President of the Chemicals Division at Indianapolis's TruePhase Corporation.
His initial impressions are anything but positive.  Performance of the Chemicals Division mediocre, the staff is weak, morale is terrible, and the CEO appears to be simply marking time – virtually ordering Colin to "not touch anything” for fear he might mess things up.  The young division President soon finds himself wondering why he put his marriage and career at risk for an "opportunity" that is quickly devolving into something akin to a babysitting assignment.
Believing that life imitates art – or at least what passes for "art" in the realm of reality television – Colin disguises himself as an unskilled laborer and goes "Undercover Boss" in his own shipping department.
There he discovers conditions are far worse than he feared.  The shop floor is overseen by a short-tempered,  dictator, and is actually run by a handful of violent, intimidating thugs.
With the help of financial analyst Sandy Martin, Jensen begins digging into some of the suspicious behavior he observed on the shop floor.  Unfortunately, their blundering attempts to discover the truth tips off those responsible for the shop floor violence.  By the time Jensen and Martin realize their lives are at risk, Indianapolis is hit by a rare blizzard which creates its own set of unintended consequences.
Both Martin and Jensen are faced with increasingly terrible personal choices as the situation continues to escalate out of control.  The only question – will either of them survive?"